The Measure of a Fog: Carbon

The carbon cycle is exceedingly complex, and yet it’s crucial for both scientists, and ordinary citizens, to understand in order to grasp how human civilization — and the massive amounts of carbon emissions that have come with it — will alter the machinery of our climate.

Ocean Circulation: Important Role in Absorbing Carbon from the Atmosphere

The oceans play a significant role in absorbing greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, and heat from the atmosphere. This absorption can help mitigate the early effects of human-emissions of carbon dioxide.

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation acts as a conveyor belt of ocean water from Florida to Greenland. Along the journey north, water near the surface absorbs greenhouse gases, which sink down as the water cools near Greenland. In this way, the ocean effectively buries the gases deep below the surface.

Read the related story, NASA-MIT study evaluates efficiency of oceans as heat sink, atmospheric gases sponge.

Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Capturing Particulate Matter From Diesel Generators

Particulate matter (PM), is a serious challenge in India where 14 of world’s 15 most polluted cities are located. Capturing PM using Chakr Shield is an effective solution to reduce the emissions to the atmosphere and to improve the quality of air. Chakr Shield ensures prolonged life for old diesel generators by equipping them to meet the latest environmental norms. The estimated GHG reduction by global adoption of this technology is likely to be 10.5 million tonnes by 2027.

9 out of 10 people worldwide breathe highly polluted air, and more than 80 percent of urban dwellers are exposed to outdoor pollution that exceeds health standards. Air pollution, particularly in the form of particulate matter (PM), is a serious challenge in India where 14 of world’s 15 most polluted cities are located. PM emissions are generated by various anthropogenic activities, and burning of fossil fuels is the major source. Of the total diesel burned in the world, 30% is from non-transport activities. Diesel Generators (DGs) are widely used for supplying round the clock power, or as back up for large residential, commercial as well as industrial sectors. A significant part of the PM or soot emitted from the DG sets is in the form of Black Carbon, which is a climate forcing agent having a net warming effect.

Chakr Shield – the technology developed by Chakr Innovation Private Limited is a retrofit solution that captures PM and helps combat air pollution. The device is installed over the exhaust pipe of the DG that captures the exhaust and cools it to cause agglomeration of the soot particles. These soot particles, which primarily consist of PM are then made to pass through contours and meshes and captured with up to 90% efficiency. The collected PM is used as a raw material for making inks. Chakr Shield is available for use in a wide variety of DG capacities ranging from 20 kVA- 3000 kVA. Chakr Shield consists of non-moving parts, and therefore is a low maintenance device which is made of corrosion free material for better performance.