Shrublands―Biomes, By GeoDivide

Shrublands are relatively arid regions of Earth where it is too dry for trees to flourish. Often overlooked, they take second or third place to forests or grasslands when it comes to beauty contests. They are a mix of shrubs and grasses, spanning the subtropics to the temperate latitudes. Shrublands have surprising biodiversity considering their parched appearance. They are a place of heat and drought, yet still abundant with life.

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Tropical Forests―Biomes, By GeoDivide

Tropical forests offer the greatest biodiversity of any area of Earth with over half of all plant and animal species. They are the “lungs of the world – absorbing more CO2 and producing more oxygen than any other”. A product of constant heat and abundant rain, it’s no wonder that plants grow here more vigorously than in any other biome. But it is also the biome that is under the greatest threat. Known as jungle, selva, or rainforest, these regions are in fact two distinct biomes – the evergreen and seasonal forests of the tropics.

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