The Global Plastic Crisis: Corporate Accountability & Reduction Strategies

Photo of plastics near trees. Myanmar (Burma). Photo by Stijn Dijkstra, Pexels.

The global plastic pollution crisis, driven by major corporations, has reached alarming levels. The recent study “Global Producer Responsibility for Plastic Pollution,” published in Science Advances, reveals a direct link between corporate plastic production and the branded waste found polluting our planet.

Key Findings of Plastic Pollution and Corporate Influence

The study, conducted over five years (2018-2022) across 84 countries, with particularly robust coverage in Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, analyzed over 1,500 brand audits to quantify the sources of plastic pollution. The findings are staggering:

  • Just 56 companies accounted for over 50% of all branded plastic pollution documented globally.

  • The top contributors include The Coca-Cola Company at 11%, followed by PepsiCo (5%), Nestlé (3%), Danone (3%), and Altria (2%).

  • There was a clear linear relationship between a company’s plastic production levels and the amount of its branded plastic pollution found in the environment.

  • Food and beverage companies producing single-use plastics were disproportionately higher polluters compared to their production volumes.

  • A startling 50% of the plastic pollution items found were completely unbranded. This highlights the need for improved labeling to identify polluter sources and hold companies responsible.

These results show evidence that major corporations are driving the global plastic crisis through their excessive production of disposable plastic products and packaging. Food and beverage companies, which produce many single-use plastic products, were disproportionately higher polluters relative to their production volumes compared to companies making longer-lasting household and retail products. 

There were noticeable gaps in data from regions like South America, central and north Asia, the Middle East, and central Africa.

Strategies for Reducing Corporate Plastic Pollution

To combat global plastic pollution effectively, the study suggests several strategies:

  • Phase out non-essential single-use plastics: Corporate polluters, especially the largest polluters identified, need to eliminate unnecessary single-use plastic products.

  • Invest in alternative materials: Develop and utilize safer, sustainable materials.

  • Implement reuse and refill systems: Promote systems that reduce the need for single-use packaging and promote and alternative materials.

  • Maintain standards of transparency and accountability: Develop international standards for packaging labeling and branding.

The study also revealed that 50% of plastic pollution items found were completely unbranded, highlighting a critical lack of transparency and traceability. To address this, the researchers recommend the creation of an international, open-access database where companies would be required to report their plastic pollution – from production to waste.

By holding corporations accountable and compelling them to fundamentally shift away from single-use plastics, we can move towards tackling the plastic pollution crisis. This data-driven approach provides a clear roadmap for environmental activists, policymakers, and concerned citizens to demand urgent action from the world’s largest plastic polluters.

The Role of Transparency and Accountability

The study recommends creation of an open-access global database where companies must quantitatively track and report their plastic product and packaging data, as well as releases into the environment. 

There is yet no single, comprehensive global database that mandates reporting of all corporate plastic production and waste; however, there are several initiatives that aim to increase transparency and accountability.

  • The Global Commitment and Plastic Pact Network led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation requires members to track and report their progress on plastic waste reduction. The Plastic Disclosure Project also encourages companies to voluntarily report their plastic pollution.

  • The European Union has implemented directives requiring companies to report on packaging and waste. 

  • The Global Plastic Action Partnership also engages stakeholders to shape national action plans on plastic pollution.

  • Some countries have Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation, which requires producers to report on production, recycling, and waste management activities. 

Mobilizing Stakeholders for Action

The clear link established between corporate plastic production and environmental pollution underscores an urgent need for systemic changes in how plastic products are produced, used, and disposed of. With a significant portion of plastic pollution traceable back to a handful of major corporations, especially those producing single-use plastics, the path forward requires a combined effort of corporate innovation and robust governmental regulation. By focusing on extended producer responsibility and encouraging sustainable alternatives, we can significantly reduce plastic pollution and move towards a more circular economy. It is crucial for governments, corporations, and consumers to work together to implement these changes and preserve our environment for future generations.

No More Excuses

The era of excuses and inaction has ended. We must hold these corporations accountable for their contributions to the plastic pollution crisis.

Source: Cowger, W., Willis, K. A., Bullock, S., Conlon, K., Emmanuel, J., Erdle, L. M., Eriksen, M., Farrelly, T. A., Hardesty, B. D., Kerge, K., Li, N., Li, Y., Liebman, A., Tangri, N., Thiel, M., Villarrubia-Gómez, P., Walker, T. R., & Wang, M. (2024). “Global producer responsibility for plastic pollution.” Science Advances, 10(eadj8275).

The Cleanest Air: Understanding the Pristine Air of the Southern Ocean

Fluffy clouds and blue sky background. Credit: Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash.

New Study Unveils Link Between Cloud Type, Precipitation and Air Quality Over Southern Ocean

The atmosphere over the Southern Ocean (SO) is noted for being exceptionally clean, largely untouched by anthropogenic or terrestrial emissions. This quality makes the SO an ideal natural laboratory for studying pre-industrial climate conditions and the interactions between aerosols, clouds, and precipitation.

A recent study published in Nature delves into the intricacies of aerosol removal by precipitation. Researchers from Monash University, the Australian Research Council, and other institutions analyzed several years of observational data from the Kennaook/Cape Grim Observatory in Tasmania. They focused on two distinct cloud patterns: open puffy mesoscale cellular convection (MCC) and closed flat MCC. Here are the key takeaways from the study:

Key Findings

  • Cloud Type and Rainfall: The study found that open, puffy clouds produced heavier and more frequent rainfall (1.72 mm per day, occurring around 17% of the time) compared to closed, flat clouds (0.29 mm per day, occurring only 4.5% of the time).

  • Connection to Air Quality: Surprisingly, the researchers observed lower levels of tiny particles (called cloud condensation nuclei or CCN) in the air during periods when open, puffy clouds dominated (69 particles per cubic centimeter) compared to when closed, flat clouds dominated (89 particles per cubic centimeter). This suggests that the heavier rainfall from open clouds may be “cleaning out” the atmosphere through a process called wet deposition.

  • Seasonal Variations: The inverse relationship between rainfall and CCN levels held true across different seasons, with the most pristine air observed during the winter months when open clouds dominated. The study also noted that open clouds were most frequent during the winter. These cycles suggest a robust interplay between the oceanic emissions and the atmospheric conditions over the year.

  • Weather Influences: The study highlighted the crucial role played by weather factors, such as atmospheric stability and surface air pressure patterns, in influencing the cloud shape, rainfall rates, and ultimately, the observed CCN levels.

  • Daily Cycle: Interestingly, while rainfall peaked in the early morning hours, the CCN cycle was out of phase, suggesting that weather factors, rather than CCN levels, were the primary drivers of the daily rainfall cycle.

These findings underscore the complex interplay between clouds, precipitation, and aerosols in the remote Southern Ocean region. The study suggests that the heavier precipitation from open cellular cloud patterns may be removing or washing out more particles from the atmosphere.

Implications for Climate Models

The detailed observation of wet deposition mechanisms and their interaction with CCN offers valuable insights into cloud formation and precipitation processes. These insights help refine climate models, particularly in predicting the radiative balance and hydrological responses of the earth’s system under varying climatic conditions.

Final Thoughts

Understanding how aerosols, clouds, and precipitation interact over the Southern Ocean is important because it helps improve climate models, making them better at predicting weather and climate changes. This is important for humanity to enhance our ability to prepare for and adapt to future environmental changes and extreme weather events, which can have significant impacts on agriculture, water resources, and overall human well-being.

Source: Alinejadtabrizi, T., Lang, F., Huang, Y., Ackermann, L., Keywood, M., Ayers, G., Krummel, P., Humphries, R., Williams, A. G., Siems, S. T., & Manton, M. (2024). Wet deposition in shallow convection over the Southern Ocean. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.

Exposing the Climate Giants: The Impact of Carbon Majors on Global Emissions

Pollution emitter. Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Unsplash

Carbon Majors: 57 fossil fuel and cement producers linked to 80% of global fossil CO2 emissions since the Paris Agreement

The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report, a new comprehensive analysis conducted by InfluenceMap sheds light on the substantial impact that a small group of carbon-producing entities has on global CO2 emissions. This enlightening study traces back to 1854, identifying 117 producers responsible for a staggering 88% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and cement between 2016 and 2022. This revelation comes post-Paris Agreement, underscoring the paradox of increased fossil fuel production amidst global pledges for emission reduction.

The Carbon Majors Database

The Carbon Majors Database, initially developed by Richard Heede of the Climate Accountability Institute and now hosted by InfluenceMap, offers an astonishing look into the historical emissions of the world’s largest oil, gas, coal, and cement producers. By categorizing these entities into investor-owned, state-owned, and nation-states, the database highlights the disproportionate role these entities play in driving global CO2 emissions.

Top 10 entities global fossil CO2 emitters historically (1854–2022) and since Paris Agreement (2016–2022). Source: The Carbon Majors Database Launch Report, April 2024 by InfluenceMap.

The database reveals that 57 corporate and state entities linked to fossil fuel and cement production are responsible for 80% of the global emissions from 2016 through 2022. This period, notably after the Paris Agreement, has seen most fossil fuel companies ramp up their production, indicating a glaring misalignment with global climate goals.

The analysis underscores a troubling trend: the majority of fossil fuel companies have increased their production post-Paris Agreement, with a notable rise in emissions from Asian and Middle Eastern producers. This contradicts the global consensus on reducing fossil fuel dependence to mitigate climate change impacts.

Accountability and Climate Change

The report’s findings have implications in legal, regulatory, and academic contexts, offering a basis for holding fossil fuel producers accountable for their climate-related impacts. It emphasizes the need for corporate entities to align their operations with climate science and contribute to global emission reduction efforts.

A key insight from the report is the shift in coal production from investor-owned to state-owned entities, contributing to an increase in global coal consumption. This shift poses challenges to global emission reduction efforts, highlighting the need for comprehensive policies to address state-owned entities’ roles in coal production.

The report provides a granular look at emissions trends across different regions, with Asia and the Middle East experiencing significant increases in fossil fuel production and emissions. Conversely, North America and Europe show a more moderate trend, reflecting diverse global approaches to energy production and climate policy.

Final Thoughts

The Carbon Majors Report is a clarion call for immediate action against the entities most responsible for the climate crisis. There is an urgent need for global cooperation to halt the expansion of fossil fuel production and ensure a just transition to renewable energy sources. It underscores the imperative of global cooperation and corporate accountability in the pursuit of a sustainable future, emphasizing the role of data-driven analysis in informing policy and advocacy efforts.

Source: The Carbon Majors Database Launch Report, April 2024 by InfluenceMap.