Climate crisis forecasts a fragile future for wildflowers and pollinators

A first-of-its-kind experimental study has found that climate change reduces the abundance of wildflowers and causes them to produce less nectar and fewer and lighter seeds.

These changes also impact pollinating insects visiting the flowers: they have to visit more flowers, more frequently, to gather the required food.

Fewer flowers imply reduced reproductive fitness in plants, as well as fewer food resources for invertebrates that rely on these plants for food, habitat and shelter.

Overall, climate change may disturb the composition of wildflower species and their pollinators, impacting agricultural crop yields, researchers say.

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Climate Change Drivers: Food Choices or Electricity Generation and Transportation? Q&A with EarthTalk

A chef told me that our food choices are the major driver of climate change around the world, but it seems to me that electricity generation and transportation are really more the problem, no?-Melanie G., Moodus, CT It depends how you slice it. Producing electricity (power plants) and getting ourselves and our stuff around (transportation)…

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